Funky Junk - on Atlanta Business Radio - with Amy Otto and Lee Kantor
Posted by Andy Greider on Wed, Sep 29, 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Each week, from their studio in Sandy Springs,
Lee Kantor and Amy Otto interview Atlanta, Georgia's top businesspeople to learn what makes them the best at what they do. On Wednesday the 29th of September, Just Trash It's Kevin Copeland and Andy Greider were the spotlight guests on Atlanta Business Radio with Amy and Lee, talkin a lil trash (the kind you want to hear talked out - removal!), getting dirty on air (without worrying about the FTC) and making a mess - (and then cleaning it up) in this powerful show.
Subjects ranged from recycling at home and in the workplace to covering the strangest items we've ever picked up - to how we re-use when you reduce...and how you can get started on your fall cleaning this week - give a call to us at JustTrashIt, tell us the strangest item Kevin's ever picked up (it's in the show - link below) - and we'll give you $25 off any hauling.
Be sure to check out the show - and be sure to give a call or visit the website at