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These Guys are awesome!! They loaded my garage filled with stacked files (about 50 boxes), toys, old furniture and other junk in less than 45 minutes. They even swept out my garage and put the leaves in the Trash. Great Service at a Great Price!!

Just Trash It! Junk Removal replied on 10-19-2010
Thanks - we were thrilled to get your stacked files to the recycling and shredding for you, as well. Always a pleasure to work with great clients!

Talkin Trash

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How Can Junk Removal Be Socially Responsible?


A friend asked me the other day, "How can junk removal be socially responsible?  After all, doesn't your stuff go to the landfill?"

describe the imageMy answer surprised him, as it does most people.  While yes, there is a certain amount of waste that ends up being dumped - first of all, it is going to an approved landfill, and not being dumped alongside the road, which may have been its other fate without us.  However, much more than that, we work to either reduce, reuse or recycle as much material as we can.  We have found ways to recycle or reuse up to 65% of the things we pick up.

  • Almost anything metal is not taken to the landfill.  This can range from appliances to boat motors, and cubicle dividers to filing cabinets.  We either make donations or find ways to recycle the items.
  • Many tools, some furniture, many electronics are all either reusable or recyclable.
  • We can handle proper disposal of car batteries or computer monitors (surcharges can apply, but items are taken care of properly.)

Being socially responsible about junk removal is more a way of thinking about how to best handle each pickup and knowing what can avoid becoming landfill fodder.  Sure, we know how to pick up junk like all our competitors, but we also know how to be socially responsible about how to dispose of, reuse or recycle the items we pickup.  Call us today 770 399 6602 or book online (and save $10)


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