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These Guys are awesome!! They loaded my garage filled with stacked files (about 50 boxes), toys, old furniture and other junk in less than 45 minutes. They even swept out my garage and put the leaves in the Trash. Great Service at a Great Price!!

Just Trash It! Junk Removal replied on 10-19-2010
Thanks - we were thrilled to get your stacked files to the recycling and shredding for you, as well. Always a pleasure to work with great clients!

Talkin Trash

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Ton of Junk In My Garage/Home - But I Don't Know What to Do With It?


We feel your pain.  Truly.  It's why, for 13 years, we've been helping people with junk and trash removal needs across Atlanta.  But we do much more than just removing the junk.  We also help our customers deal with plenty of items they aren't sure they can dispose of - or if an item can be recycled, donated or re-used.

Did you know we can recycle almost any appliance, many electronics and almost any metal you have?  Cardboard, old papers and books are items we can recycle as well.  We just helped an architect remove 18 years of plans, paperwork and more from a large storage unit.  His office had downsized and relocated and he no longer needed the paper.  Out of two full trucks, only about 1/20th went to a landfill - the other parts were all recycled.

In another recent job, we worked on a large office complex in downtown Atlanta - a job that required 3 nights of after hours work and 7 trucks total.  Of those trucks, we managed to recycle more than 4, with items on the 5th truck being donatable and other items being re-usable.  WOW!  For what would have been landfill waste at most companies, our junk removal has Atlanta becoming more sustainable at every turn.

If you are interested in how we can help your business or home remove some junk, clutter or unwanted materials, call us today at 770 399 6602 or book an appointment online.  Our fees cover all hauling, gas, lifting, (if needed) dumping fees, recycling - the works.  We do it all for you - with no hidden fees or extras.


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