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These Guys are awesome!! They loaded my garage filled with stacked files (about 50 boxes), toys, old furniture and other junk in less than 45 minutes. They even swept out my garage and put the leaves in the Trash. Great Service at a Great Price!!

Just Trash It! Junk Removal replied on 10-19-2010
Thanks - we were thrilled to get your stacked files to the recycling and shredding for you, as well. Always a pleasure to work with great clients!

Talkin Trash

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Why Recycle? 3 Reasons to Recycle While Doing Trash Removal

“Reduce.  Reuse.  Recycle.”  “Go Green”  “Become Sustainable”  What do these phrases mean to you and your business?  Why should you care?

1.  Recycling (or not) can help save your company money – or cost you money.  

If you can save money, especially in today’s economy, why wouldn’t you?  Currently, many companies pay for haul off services from an open top dumpster.  How often that service is performed – or how full the open top is – help determine how much your company is paying to add to a landfill.  Conversely, you could be taking all the cans, bottles, paper and more – and sending that through a recycling company, lowering your costs - and lessening your company’s impact on the environment.

2.  Recycling can be the difference between winning a new contract – from a client needing/seeking a “Green” partner/vendor – or losing that same contract to a competitor. 

In today’s world, companies who “Think Green” or “Go Green” are searching out others of the same mindset.  Something as simple and easy as recycling can be a way to show you care about the environment and reducing your carbon footprint.  This can bring you new business you otherwise may have missed out on.  Frankly, it is a marketing advantage in a field of similar promises and value statements.  With a competitive marketplace, why not give yourself every possible advantage?

3.  It is simply the right thing to do.  More and more, we are having a positive or negative impact on the environment with each action we take – or don’t take.

Imagine how many items go through an office each day – just at your desk.  How many bottles of water, cans of soda or reams of paper could have gone into recycling?  Now, take that number times your amount of employees – and then times 5 days a week.  It adds up fast – and despite seeming small to begin, the impact is huge within weeks.

If you have further questions on specifically how your company can begin to recycle, haul off old items that can then be recycled – and how to begin to change your culture to one where recycling is a normal part of the routine, contact JustTrashIt at 770 399 6605, or visit our website (www.justtrashit.com) and we’ll be happy to discuss ways to assist you.  We also haul off commercial and residential junk, trash and recyclables, with 65% of our pickups avoiding the landfill and being reused or recycled.


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